Watch our pitch again on the BBC!
Our winning pitch is back on the Beeb on Friday 22nd September 2023. See again, or for the first time, where our journey started.
Our winning pitch is back on the Beeb on Friday 22nd September 2023. See again, or for the first time, where our journey started.
We’ve been working hard behind the scenes.
We are PayaCharity please let us introduce ourselves.
Interview with Carol Court from Ability Dogs 4 Young People Isle of Wight
We sat down with Lauren Weeks from Path to Prosper to hear all about the amazing work her and the charity do.
We sat down with Lorraine Woolley MBE from Trigeminal Neuralgia Association UK to hear all about the amazing work her and the charity do.
We sat down with Kat Yorke from Solidarity Sports to hear all about the amazing work her and the charity do.
Ahead of International Nurses Day on May 12 2022, we sat down with Louise Griew from Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity to hear about the incredible work the Roald Dahl Specialist Nurses do all over the UK.
Scotland’s most populated city, Glasgow is home to over 3,000 charities, organisations, services, voluntary groups, and social enterprises.
We sat down with Matt from Trust Links to hear all about the amazing work they do.
29 April is World Wish Day 2022. Ahead of the big day, we sat down with Imogen from Make-A-Wish UK to hear all about the work the charity does and how you can get involved.
One in eight babies are born prematurely - in the UK that’s over 90,000 babies every year. Rachael Marsh and her team at The Ickle Pickles Children's Charity work tirelessly to give these babies the best chance of life.
It’s estimated 3 million in the UK are currently living with cancer. This isn’t just traumatising for those living with the illness but everyone around them too.
We sat down with Sarah Bunn from the charity Break to hear all about how the charity supports young people in care.
We sat down with Chris from the Bouncing Ball Trust to hear about the amazing work he and his team do.
The news can be a real downer. Let’s not kid ourselves. A proper buzz kill. Wherever you get it; social media, online, TV, the newspaper. It’s all apocalypse this, impending disaster that.
We sat down with Jamie from the Fulham Good Neighbours to hear about the amazing work he and his team do.
Toucan has teamed up with multinational company American Express (AMEX) as it embarks on its mission to revolutionise charitable giving.
The UK’s third largest city in terms of population, Birmingham is home to well over 2,000 registered charities, organisations, services, voluntary groups, and social enterprises.
A vibrant hub of charity activity, Liverpool is home to over 3,000 registered charities, organisations, services, voluntary groups, and social enterprises.
A city with a thriving third sector, there are over 1,500 registered charities, organisations, services, voluntary groups, and social enterprises in Bristol.
We spoke to Elizabeth from the Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline (CCLL) to find out about the amazing work the charity does
We chatted with Alex from Changes Bristol to hear about all the work her and the team are doing down in the South West.
According to studies by the charity Women’s Aid, women escaping domestic abuse are more likely to face homelessness.
We were on Dragons’ Den! A small, yet mighty tropical bird went up in front of five fearsome Dragons – and we think they were impressed.
Yep, that’s right. The cat, well, the bird is out the bag.
We chatted with Simone from SANE to hear about all the amazing work the charity does.
Quite simply, I wanted to create a world where giving is second nature.
Ah, Valentine’s Day – the day some of us love to hate.
For our third Meet the Charity, we sat down with Ali from Baraka Community Association to find out all about the amazing work him and the BCA team do.
Do you agree that being kind is a trait that is often overlooked in our modern world?
When the energy price cap rises in April 2022, energy bills for millions of us will inevitably increase.
The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) has recently published its Road Ahead report for 2022, in which it has analysed the biggest trends, opportunities, and events that will impact charities and volunteering in the year ahead.
Everyone has their down days. No matter who you are, where you are or what you do, it’s impossible to always feel happy.
For many of us, the arrival of a new year brings a desire to improve, change and evolve.
There is still a lingering stigma around talking about our mental health.
February may not be the most glamourous of months – that prize probably goes to July or December – but it is a very important one for many people around the world.
LGBT+ history month takes place in February each year to help educate people on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender history, as well as continuing the journey of gay and civil rights movements.
How are your New Year’s resolutions going?
For our second ever Meet the Charity interview, we spoke to Yaseen from Wakefield's Penny Appeal to hear all about the amazing work they do.
No matter the time of year, it is always important to be environmentally conscious.
We all know that homelessness is a major issue across the country.
hey say money can’t buy happiness. But if you spend it wisely, maybe it can.
Have you ever wondered how people in the UK are giving to charity?
It is no surprise that many celebrities donate a portion of their earnings to charity each year.
Homelessness is all around us. Whether doing a last-minute Christmas shop, or on a night out with your mates, it is hard to ignore the number of people curled up in doorways or sat on the streets of our towns and cities.
The third largest city in the West Midlands by population, Wolverhampton is the base for over 450 registered charities, organisations, services, voluntary groups, and social enterprises
Leftovers and food waste can do more to drive climate change than the commonly known environmental issue of plastic.
This is a reality for some. Christmas festivities can create a lot of stress, financial worries, and relationship problems.
We often hear about the superb work of major national homelessness charities such as Shelter, Crisis, Centrepoint and The Salvation Army, however there are also many wonderful smaller charities offering support of equal importance.
Animals and plants help to maintain the health of an ecosystem.
Did you know that across the globe, one-third of food goes to waste?
Channel 4’s documentary Growing Up Poor: Britain’s Hidden Homeless Kids, which first aired in October 2021, shone a spotlight on just some of the many children in this country who live below the poverty line.
Hull, or more correctly Kingston upon Hull, is home to over 450 registered charities, organisations, services, voluntary groups, and social enterprises.
Sometimes at Christmas, the enjoyment of giving gifts can outweigh the pleasure of receiving them – especially when half the time you end up with five pairs of socks and a book you already own.
Christmas is the time of year where your social media timeline might be full of videos of gorgeous new puppies.
When picking up your favourite self-care, personal hygiene or beauty products, have you personally checked to see whether they are sustainable?
This is going to hurt, but it needs to be said: fashion is a disaster in terms of its environmental impacts.
If you’ve arrived at this page, there’s a good chance you’ve come across ‘plogging’ and thought you’d misheard or misread.
We’ve all done it: you have something in your hand and you have no idea if it can be recycled, so you chuck it in with your general waste to go to landfill.
We’ve all seen the memes about how when the clocks go back, it feels as if it starts getting dark at 2pm.
We are all vulnerable to periods of poor mental health. We all need to take some responsibility for our mental wellbeing and recognise we should be looking after it as much as our physical health.
Whether we can admit it or not, we have all become social media addicts.
Here is a statement that we can all relate to: my mental health suffered a lot in the last year. It is more important than ever to prioritise our mental wellbeing and self-care.
Overconsumption is a major issue that the planet currently faces. Giving loved ones or colleagues gifts that they will likely never use contributes to this and it goes against the principles of sustainability.
If we were to ask you what you thought the single largest environmental health risk in the UK is, what would you say?
The seas surrounding the UK play a crucial part in life for both the nation and overseas.
Known for their distinct colouring, their role in pollination, and the ability of some to produce honey, bees are a common sight throughout the UK.
Whether it is your parent’s old bedside table, that unwanted TV stand, or a set of shelves that never really fitted in, we all have old furniture that we have been meaning to get rid of for a long time.
Food banks are becoming an all too vital and increasing necessity.
Some of them have seen awful atrocities, been placed in hostile environments under extreme stress, and loyally served their country in times of hardship.
We’ve all frowned, grumbled and groaned at the repetitive hikes in energy prices, but besides being more conscious of our usage, we have no choice but to suck it up and accept it.
When we think of child poverty perhaps our minds quickly go to other continents.
Hygiene poverty might not be a very well-known issue, yet it is often one of the first indications that someone has fallen on hard times.
For centuries, Christmas has been a time for giving and helping those less fortunate than ourselves.
Every year, eight million tons of plastic enters the ocean.
The destruction of natural habitat, the introduction of alien invasive species and industrialisation have all contributed to the decline of some of Britain’s native wildlife.
In practical terms, COP26 is a conference organised by the United Nations that is bringing together countries from all around the world to discuss climate change.
As one would expect, London is one of the most vibrant cities in the UK when it comes to charity activity and the third sector.
With climate change becoming an increasingly pressing issue, it is vital that we all play our own part in the fight against global warming.
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges the world faces currently, as global warming is causing extreme weather events to occur more often than ever before.