Giving, and den some.
Thousands of charities. Flexible monthly donations. One simple app.

All your giving, right here, every month
Imagine an app where
all the good you're doing is stored in one place. Where you can discover and support
thousands of charities by barely lifting a finger.
That’s Toucan.
Bill Thomson
“Having established PayaCharity to bring contactless donation solutions to charities in a simple and affordable way, I was intrigued and impressed to see the Toucan team deliver such a successful pitch on Dragons Den back in February 2022. I knew this was something different and when the opportunity arose to bring Toucan into our portfolio of solutions in November 2022, we did not hesitate.
I am committed to developing Toucan as a core service of PayaCharity to further the vision of bringing digital transformation to the sector, and expand the engagement with individual donors, particularly the younger generation where the use of Apps and digital payments is second nature.
We look forward to building on the solid foundations established by the original Toucan team and have lots of ideas to further develop the experience which I am sure will really accelerate the App to support an integrated relationship between donors, fundraisers and charities to maximise giving to as many good causes as possible.”
Matt Crate
“Toucan is the combination of my two passions: tech and social impact. In recent years, we’ve seen the power that movements can have when communities unite and use online platforms to deliver meaningful change.
That’s why I founded Toucan. To create an app that helps charities and provides people with a way to give that matches up with the way we live now.
Everything we do is centred around our belief that giving should be fun, flexible, and accessible for all. This is how we’ll build a world where giving is second nature.”

Melody Truong
“I believe that most people are inherently good and that the way we give and the causes we give to, become part of our identity.
I want Toucan to be the platform that fosters and develops this emotional connection between people, the causes they support, the community they belong to and indeed, themselves. I want people to be passionate about the positive change they can create. I want stories to be shared and I want people to feel inspired and empowered knowing that with Toucan they can join others in making a positive difference.”