Get discovered.
Connecting charities with donors who care.

With many charities struggling to make their voices heard, our mission at Toucan is to amplify the great work that charities do. To help raise their profiles. To introduce them to thousands of potential new donors. And to grow a community of followers who give regularly, every month.
We believe that all giving is good and we’re not here to compete with other charitable donation platforms. Rather, we hope to wake the dormant donors out there – people who feel passionately about causes but haven’t yet found a way to discover the right charities for them.

And we aim to bridge the gap between charities and the younger generation, by providing a fun, engaging and flexible way to give. 100 percent of all donations made through the Toucan mobile app (plus Gift Aid) will go to the selected charity.
The cost for charities is zero, there are no sign-up fees, nor will charities ever be asked to pay to receive money donated to them. And there really is no catch - we simply and genuinely want to make a difference to the world.
Get in touch
If you have any feedback or suggestions about Toucan,